Total Body By Roni Participates in Family Dollar's Health Fair
Today, I had a great experience as a vendor at the Family Dollar Distribution Center health fair in Marianna, FL. I enjoyed meeting some...

TBBR's Client Has Double Knee Replacement & Makes Remarkable Recovery!
I'm so proud of my client Catherine Stone. She had double knee replacement in February and has made a remarkable recovery! Read her story...

Total Body By Roni is a Guest of the Rotary Club of Marianna
It was an honor to speak with the Rotary Club of Marianna. It was an awesome feeling to have a few cheerleaders in the crowd that are...
Veggie Chips-A Healthy Snack!
While the kids are out of school, make sure they have healthy snacks! Here's a snack your child is sure to like.
Tighten Your Buns & Thighs for the Summer!
Would you like tight buns & thighs to show off at the beach this summer? Try the rainbow exercise! Make sure you have the proper form...
Physical Fitness for Kids
Physical activity is a vital component of children being healthy. Combined with healthy eating, it can decrease obesity and help kids...
Tighten Your Obliques!
Do you have a muffin top or love handles? Here is a great exercise that will tighten your obliques. Try it and see!
Get That Pop-Out Butt!
Here's one of the best exercises that will help you get the "pop-out butt" that you've always wanted! Take a look at this video.....
How To Get Tank Top Arms!
Would you like to have the arms that TRULY should be in a tank top? Check out this exercise that will surely get you on your way!

Sheldon Vann's Progress!
Written by Roni I love to hear testimonies from my clients! Sheldon Vann is a young man that suffered a spinal cord injury due to a car...